#1 Hello Rock Sir, Welcome to India…

April 2005.

I land in Delhi, India. I’m officially farther from home than I’ve ever been. It’s hot as hell and from LA to New York, London to Mexico City, I have NEVER seen this many people! Man It’s a trip! I call my mom and tell her I made it safely… First surprise of this day is when I find out that I got a 12hr van ride across the Thar desert to Bikaner, Rajasthan on a 2 lane highway… This part of the trip will not be fun.

Nevertheless we get on the road. I’m here because I’ve booked my first starring role in a Film. I’m fuckin’ excited no lie. I’ve always liked to act even from the plays in elementary school. I had done the Nutcracker, The Littlest Angel, The Nativity, and most of the other standbys and I always had a ball doing it. I had just come off my first 2 parts in Indie films a couple months before. Richard III and The Devil’s Grind were in the can and I had watched both of them on the plane. This acting thing was getting a little serious and I actually didn’t remember the last time I had been in the studio… Not that this was a good thing, but it showed that I had really dedicated a significant amount of time to acting lately… And here I was. On the other side of the world for just that purpose.

Now I didn’t know too much about Bollywood, but I’m heavy into movies. Outside of the obvious Godfather Trilogy, Scarface, and The Usual Suspects, I love epic battle films. Give me Troy, Braveheart, and Gladiator and I’m good for the whole day. So when Param Gill, the director of “Rockin’ Meera” told me I’d be fighting a 720 lb tiger and an Indian actor, Sonu Sood who was twice my size, I was all for it. I was also promptly told to hit the gym and pack on some muscle… Too Scrawny. LOL! Anyway, I set about my job and got to work.

I played a guy named Rock who was a college student from the Bay. He’d fell in love with “this cute lil Indian girl” named Meera who was an exchange student. They had decided to get married after graduation. Little does Rock  that Meera’s fambam has other plans. She’s already  arranged to marry an Indian Prince. Well Rock ain’t having that shit, but Meera’s dad ain’t having Rock’s shit either. He sends Meera’s brother to the US to kidnap her and bring her back to India. The drama starts when my stupid ass decides to go to India and bring her back… Yeah right. The turn of events will have u wow-ing, laughing crying and wanting to hug ur mother. It’s a whole lot of entertainment packed into one film…

A full 36 hrs after I leave LAX I arrive at my home for the next 2 months. Gajner Palace. Rajasthan India. All I could say was HELL NAW DAWG!!! This is livin! Parrots outside, lush gardens, servants, and all kinds of other shit that the kid just ain’t accustomed to… I was greeted by the assistant that was assigned to me, “Hello Rock Sir, Welcome to India”. This should be fun… I sleep for 2 of the next 4 days b4 shooting began. I finally come out on the 2nd day and take in the sights. What an unbelievably beautiful place. I’m watching the workers on the palace grounds on their break. People are sitting in small groups across the lawn, eating and just cooling out. People here enjoy the simple things in life. The sun. Birds. Flowers… It was deep. This place just appeared out of the desert. It was like some kinda fantasy place. I sat on a bench at the lake. This bench over the next couple of weeks would prove to be very significant. I said to myself “I’ll prolly never 4get this trip”… And I was right.

I popped my “Kingfisher Strong Beer” which I later found out was the equivalent of a fuckin Old English 800 and accidentally got drunk right there on the bench… I laid down and took an afternoon nap…

Dreaming about what would happen tomorrow…

Next up is #2 A Very Serious Meeting…

This should be interesting.

Rockin Meera Premieres next Thursday November 26th, Thanksgiving Night in select Theaters in the US and Canada

Go to http://www.rockinmeera.com for more details.

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